We are mostly water


We are mostly water

Are you familiar with de work of Dr. Masaru Emoto?
Dr. Masaru Emoto brought the invisible to the visible by making experiences with water and then taking pictures of the results.

By sending intention and words into the water he proved that water stores memory, not only that, but he also showed us the patterns of the emotions.
Positive emotions form beautiful patterns while negative emotions form ugly ones.

Now, the human body is composed of about 70/80 of water, right?
That means that we are as programmable as water. For that reason, our body also stores memory, yep emotional memories are also stored in the body.
Many of our patterns are nothing more than just that, stored memories of trauma, abuse and pain that keeps un in a loop of drama where we either manifest people that reflect those memories to us by hurting us and abusing us or by manifesting illness and other negative results in our lives.

Right, now think with me for a second, if we can program a glass of water and we are mainly water we can re-program ourselves, right?
Go ahead, work with water to heal yourself.

If I say “I love you” to the water in a glass and that water organizes that intention/word in a beautiful pattern, the same will happen to our bodies if you do it long enough.

Or, if I put my intention in a crystal (crystals help to magnify our intentions) and infuse my water with that crystal (crystal elixir) then I drink the water… Can you see the healing happening?

What about programming the bath water and then soak on it for a good 20/30 minutes? Again, you can use crystals to magnify your intentions and Epson Salts to help remove toxins from the body.

We can also write our intentions on a paper and put it under a glass of water to program the water, or simply wrap our hands around the glass and infuse it with our intentions, then drink it.

We are mostly water

We are mostly water